About F. Benjamin

Hello. My friends call me Ben.

Thank you for stopping by, reading and commenting.

At the request of friends I’m writing this blog, everything herein is my opinion. Mostly you’ll read about my reflections on the State of our Nation, the economy, social trends and general observations. This is a personal rambling, occasionally a dialog but mostly ruminations.

I look at this world with wide-eyed disbelief. We are witnessing some of the most ill conceived decisions and opinions parade around as lucid thought processes. Where actions and reactions purportedly designed to solve a problem, perpetuate and exacerbate the stated problem, and no one seems to stop these absurdities.

I’d like to say most of what I’m thinking and writing is common sense- though it has been written often, common sense is not very common.

The test for my thinking is simple, “does it work?” I’ll let the world determine effective action- not necessarily what I think is the right action. If I may paraphrase Albert Einstein, an idiot is someone who tries the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome with every try. Like putting shoes on before socks. It will work but it will never be effective cushioning for your feet, however, it will be very effective at wearing out your socks. I’ll stop here for this is my introduction.


For those of you who want to know my bias, I don’t care much for politicians or politics as it has placed the individual politician before the best interests of their constituents. I also don’t particularly care for the organizations that are parading as “news reporting”; their bias is so blatant that the portrayal of fact is parallel to considering animal-shaped clouds are real animals.

I’m annoyed, almost beyond my ability to express, the short sightedness of the decision-making throughout our government, the private sector and at the individual level. It’s so bad that this behavior is considered acceptable, normal and no alternative approach is discussed.

I consider blame a cowards approach to life. This more than anything compels me to write this blog.

Hopefully you find this interesting, thought provoking, possibly disturbing and just maybe enough to impel you to take action. I believe that the key to our societies’ successful navigation of today’s problems and the challenges that lie ahead are about getting individuals to make good choices and acting accordingly. A good decision is a thoroughly thought-out action that takes into account the decision and the ramifications of that decision in the future. Maybe I ask too much, I truly hope not.

Enjoy and be well,


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