A culture of treating the symptoms

If nothing, it is apparent that treating the symptoms does not cure the disease. In an American version of reality we want fast relief, pop an NSAID for pain, eat fast food when hungry, buy fast cars to get you there quicker, to stop violence take away, guns or show greater violence.

Simply put, this does not work for the long term. These fixes are temporary at best. With problems, we need to correct it at its source. Once the source is identified, a fix is a resolve.

Over the Next few weeks

I will be publishing here, my private newsletter on topics of relevance today. Many of the threads were created over the past seven years. I will attempt to post them in historical order.

Some of the topics included in our newsletter and now on this blog will be the healthcare system, taxation, and simplification, fake news, global warming, the Federal Reserve and our current favorite mediocrity.

For members of my newsletter, thank you for the privilege of sharing my thoughts with you. You will continue to receive your letters before you see them on this blog. It will take some time to catch up with the backlog of missives. What you will not see published are our private notes and specific questions written in direct response to your questions.

Your comments are warmly appreciated.



#government #taxation #healthcare sysem #global warming #Federal Reserve #FakeNews